November 14, 2009

child education

Recent government records show that more than 25% ( 59 million school-aged children ) are still not enrolled in a school. Despite these poor figures in education , India has highly competent human resources as also a strong base in ICT, which if utilized to its maximum capacity in future , India will be among the topmost Asian countries. the Bridges to the Future Initiative ?India ( BFI) seeks to improve the basic skills, literacy and entry in vocational skills of out-of-school youth and young adults in poor communities in several Indian states. to achieve these goals , the BFI employs innovative and cost-effective ICT tools and methodologies to improve the quality of teaching, learning in basic and vocational education and to assist community members in obtaining information resources that can improve their daily lives. At the official level , the BFI is situated under the patronage of MHRD and state education agencies ( initially Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, where formal MOU?s are signed in May 2001.).

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